8th Grade Career Day-Party Fun!

 Medical, educational, farming, FBI, construction, and a few other careers were featured. 
Our medical team!

Welcome Dordt and Trinity Classroom Aides

 Lydia Baker, a senior at Trinity, is a teacher aide during 7th grade math class.

Mrs. Missy Driesen, an education student at Dordt University, is in our classroom during 7th and 8th grade language arts.

Belle Schiermeyer, a senior at Trinity, is in our classroom during 7th science.
Faith Hoksbergen, a junior at Dordt University, is teacher aiding in our classroom on Tuesday afternoons during study hall and math class. 

We are so thankful for their work in our classroom this semester! 

Party Day!

 Friday, 1-21


Dress up: Twin, Triplet, or Quadruplet dress-up day

Noon lunch: please bring $4 to school by Thursday. The food committee is providing super nachos and a bar.