October Note To Parents

October 1
Jr. High cross country meet @ Western

October 5
Second novel due for 7th/8th

October 8
7th/8th grades will be making field trips to Trans Ova Genetics in Sioux Center. This ties to our current study of genetics and heredity.

October 10
Interscholastics Preview Night. Students that signed up for a piano piece, or a speech, will present them at school in the music or 8th-grade rooms. Piano pieces will only be performed at school, but speeches will also be performed at Rock Valley Christian School Interscholastics. Sign-ups will be accepted until October 4.

October 11
K-6 Vision Screening: 7th/8th grade parents need to make a request in order for their child to be screened. Please send Mrs. Baker or Mr. De Boer an email or text if you wish your child to be included.

October 12
Students should have their research concluded for their science projects. Projects that require construction should be finished, and if possible, in working order.

October 15 & 16
Parent Teacher Conferences

October 22
Rock Valley Christian School Speech Interscholastics

October 24
7th/8th Science Fair Reports Due

October 26
3rd/4th Chapel
7th/8th Science Fair Boards Due
End of 1st marking period

October 30
7th/8th Science Fair: 6:00-7:30 in the grade school gym. Students will also demonstrate their projects to the grade school children in the afternoon, so if for some reason it works better for you to come at that time, feel free to contact Mrs. Baker with a request to do so.